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Was your waste left at the curb? Collection staff do their very best to pick up your materials. Remember, they do not pick up material that has not been properly set out or sorted. Before reporting a missed pickup, check the list of common mistakes:

  • Late set out. Set your garbage and recycling out by 7 a.m.
  • Too heavy. Bags/bins should weigh no more than 20 kilograms (44 pounds) each.
  • More than four garbage bags/cans set out. Garbage bags/cans over the limit must have a bag tag.
  • Unacceptable material or materials not put in the correct bin.
  • Incorrect liner bags in the green bin. Use only 100 per cent compostable liner bags.

To continue, please fill out this form with information about your missed waste pickup so we can assist you in the best way possible. 

Blue Box Collection

Durham’s recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials, the administrator of the common collection system and a national not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. Visit Circular Materials for more information.

Living in Oshawa or Whitby?

If you are a resident of Oshawa and Whitby and have a complaint about waste collection, please submit a missed collection via their websites.

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