Service Request # |
Request Types |
CAS-75199-C8X8G6 | Road Issues |
CAS-75177-C0R1C5 | Road Issues |
CAS-75153-G1P7L4 | Road Issues |
CAS-75151-Q2Q9K6 | Road Issues |
CAS-75148-J0W2F0 | Road Issues |
Dead or unhealthy trees
Surface Treatment - Double High Float
Double high float surface treatment work involves pulverizing the existing surface.
Storm sewers, catch basins and roadside ditches help drain excess water from roads in the Township of Scugog.
To control dust on gravel roads dust suppressant is applied
Kills Attacks Ash Trees - Emerald Ash Borer
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive pest that attacks and kills ash trees in North America.
Examples of traffic calming.
Frequently Asked Questions about submitting a Service Request
FAQ about submitting a Service Request
Maintenance and Grading of Gravel Roads
Gravel roads require routine grading in order to keep the surface in good condition.
How to report Non-Emergency Tree Concerns
Report non-emergency tree concerns
The Township is responsible for roadside maintenance of Township roads.
Potholes can occur any time of year and develop most frequently during the late winter and early spring during freeze/ thaw cycles.
As part of the Township’s Asset Management Plan, the Township carries out various pavement preservation works each year to extend the life of the roads.
Road resurfacing work involves the removal or pulverization and replacement of the asphalt surface with the use of hot-mix asphalt.
Safe Winter Walking the Township of Scugog
During winter months, snow and ice make walking very difficult.
Sidewalk Maintenance & Replacement
Sidewalk replacement work involves the replacement of the various sidewalks bays across the Township.
Sidewalks cleared by the Township of Scugog
The Township anticipates that sidewalks maintained by the Township during the winter will be salted and/or plowed at least once within 24 hours.
As per the Ontario Municipal Act, a municipality may declare a significant weather event
The Township sets speed limits based on the Establishing Speed Limits on Township Road Policy approved by Council in 2020.
The Township installs stop signs based on the All Way Stop Warrant Policy.
Stormwater Management Ponds (SWMPs) are facilities designed to collect runoff from the local storm sewer system.
The Township of Scugog schedules mechanical sweeping and flushing of the Downtown Port Perry streets as well as spring cleanup in most areas.
The Township owns and maintains over 1680 streetlights within Scugog.
Subsidized Backyard Tree Planting Program
Subsidized backyard tree planting program
Who Maintains the Township or Scugog Roads
Roads within Scugog are maintained by three separate authorities; the Region of Durham, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, and Township.
Winter Maintenance and Snowplowing
It is the goal of the Township of Scugog to apply its operational activities in an efficient and effective manner to provide as safe and passable routes.
Winter Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions FAQs
Winter maintenance frequently asked questions
Maintenance crews begin clearing roads as soon as snow or ice reaches a level that requires removal.
How to enter a service request through My Scugog Connected
How to enter a service request through My Scugog Connected with screen shots
How to track a Service Request, log in and create an account through My Scugog Connected
How to track a Service Request, log in and create an account through My Scugog Connected with screen shots
An easy way to make an inquiry to the Office of the CAO
How to submit a General Government request
We can provide more information, answer questions, or resolve any issues you may have.
How to submit a Flag raising request through Mayor and Council
Proclamations are issued by the Mayor
How to report splash pad maintenance concerns in Parks
To report non-emergency broken splash pad equipment such as damage concern under parks
How to submit a Special Event request
Ensure that you have reviewed the Special Events Planning Guide