
How to Create a profile in the myDurham 311 Customer Portal

Would you like to track your submitted service requests and receive notification updates? 


Step 1: Navigate to the top right-hand corner of the customer portal and select the blue Sign in button as shown below:

Screen shot of the customer portal main page

Step 2: Select the Sign-up now hyperlink as shown below:
Screen shot of the sign up now hyperlink
Step 3: Enter your email address and select the blue Send verification code button to receive the required verification code as shown below:

Screen shot of the Send verification code button

Step 4: Navigate to your email inbox to retrieve the verification code shown in the email example below:

From: Microsoft on behalf of Municipal Customer Portal <>
Sent: march 13, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Subject: Municipal Customer Portal account email verification code

Verify your email address

Thanks for verifying your account!

Your code is: 123456

Municipal Customer Portal

Step 5: Set up your password. Your username can be first and last name, a single name or can be the same as the email address entered in the field above. Complete the registration process and confirm you can log in.

Note: Your password must be at least eight characters long including a combination of special characters, numbers, and alphabets.